Thursday, May 14, 2009

Keynote Speaker at ILS 2009

Gurcharan Das, an author and management consultant, will be a keynote speaker at the India Leadership Summit. Gurcharan Das was the CEO of Procter & Gamble India and Vice President of Procter & Gamble Far East between 1985 and 1992. He was later Vice President and Managing Director, Procter & Gamble Worldwide. Prior to P&G, he was Chairman and Managing Director of Richardson Hindustan Limited from 1981 to 1985, the company where he started as a trainee.

Gurcharan Das is the author of the international bestseller “India Unbound,” which has been published in many countries and languages and filmed by the BBC.


Pooja Rajput writes about the panel on Education being hosted at the India Leadership Summit 2009:

Background on the panel:

“Over-regulated and under-governed” best describes the largest sector in India – Education. In a failed public education system, aspirations are meeting affluence, spiraling the growth of private education institutions. The potential spending on private education is to exceed $80 billion by 2012!! This is a massive business opportunity that companies like Educomp and NIIT have exploited to become pre-eminent for profit education companies demanding a double bottom line, i.e. high ROIs as a business while achieving a social cause – which makes for a dynamic panel.

Background on the panellists:

Educomp is the largest for profit education company in India, with revenues in excess of 1 billion. Shantanu Prakash, the CEO of Educomp, has taken the company through this incredible journey and is here to share his experiences as well as provide insight on what lies ahead. On the other hand, Pratham has accomplished significant initiatives in the field of non-profit K-12 and vocational education, thereby increasing their employability.

On organizing the panel:

Vidur Gupta, a first year at Chicago Booth and Prateek Aneja, a second year at Kellogg helped me put this panel together.

Special Address from Ambassador Attri, Consul General of India

Ambassador Ashok Kumar Attri will be a keynote speaker at the ILS 2009.

Ambassador Attri came to Chicago as the Consul General of India in June 2007. Earlier he was the Ambassador of India to the Sultanate of Oman from 2004 to 2007. He was also the High Commissioner (Ambassador) of India to the Republic of Zambia from 1998 to 2002.
Since joining the Indian Foreign Service (IFS) in July 1975, Mr. Attri has also held diplomatic assignments in Indian Embassies or High Commissions in Kenya, Zambia, Canada, Vietnam and Switzerland. He also served at the multilateral Secretariat of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), based in Kathmandu from 1994 to 1998.
In between, Ambassador Attri has served in the Ministry of External Affairs of India as the Deputy Head of the West Asia and North Africa (WANA) Division and as the Head of the Coordination Division.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Dr. Shami Khorana, President, HCL North America, Mr. Prithvi Gandhi, VP Corporate Development, Zebra technologies and Mr.Rajeev Bahri, Founder & Managing Director, TEKchand LLC are the speakers on the technology panel discussion on May 16th, 2009. This panel will be moderated by Mr. Sanjay Puri, Head, Alliance for US India Business.

Aditya Gupta on organizing this panel:

Why was the technology panel planned?

Technology continues to remain a leading revenue generator for India and hence this panel was very relevant for our theme “Fuelling the growth”.

What would the discussion revolve around?

The discussion would center around the future of the technology space in india. We will talk about software, hardware, services and will touch upon telecom as well. We will debate what it is that india needs to do in order to take that quantum leap from being an outsourcing hub for cheap labour to a leader in product creation and idea generation.

How did you go about choosing the panellists?

The panellists were chosen based on their experience in running india focused technology firms as also their cross country expertise. We believe that the panel will give us a great insight into the challenges and opportunities that exist in India – US partnerships

The Infrastructure Panel

Background on the panel

As this world develops into a busier place and transportation costs escalate, the stakes in strategic infrastructure availability have become greater than ever before. National and regional governments, once the source of much of the world’s investment in infrastructure, are now less able and willing to shoulder the burden of infrastructure development. Driven by a lack of government resources, public infrastructure agencies are turning to the private sector for infrastructure investment. Many private investments firms, with the goal to tap into new revenue producing markets, are increasingly pouring their own capital into public infrastructure. This is a very recent trend and presents great opportunities not only for the investors but also for governments to provide their citizens with world class infrastructure. Since India is at the forefront of innovative development and financing of infrastructure, we thought that this year’s conference should have an independent panel on infrastructure. With the excellent line of panelists, we will get a first hand perspective on opportunities and challenges facing infrastructure development in India.

Panel discussion

India's infrastructure needs in the years ahead are substantial--billions and billions of $ are needed to build, maintain, and expand transport, communications, water, electricity, and other forms of infrastructure. The discussion in the panel will revolve around the following topics:
How can the government insure that public infrastructure spending is allocated to the "best" projects, those with the highest returns?
What steps can India take to make sure it can access foreign capital to fund these projects?
What do foreign investors require in terms of returns, legal and regulatory frameworks, and so on?
How is India coping with the world wide recession and "seizing up" of capital markets?
In what sectors might we see "leapfrog" to newer, often "cleaner", technologies?
e.g., cell phones instead of "land lines"; solar power instead of carbon-heavy alternatives
How important are public/private partnerships likely to be as India moves forward on its ambitious investment program, and what factors are needed for such partnerships to be successful?
How might India take advantage of best practices elsewhere in terms of pursuing "smart growth" or sustainable development?
How should planners prepare for more and larger cities, whose growing populations are placing increasing strain on all sorts of infrastructure--water, roads, electricity, mass transit, etc.


Dr. Paula R. Worthington
Senior Lecturer, University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy
Paula R. Worthington is a senior lecturer at The Harris School, where she teaches classes in state and local public finance and cost-benefit analysis. She received her Ph.D. in economics from Northwestern University in 1988. She has served as an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and as a research officer, economic advisor, and senior research economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.


Dr. Santanu Das
CEO, TranSwitch Corporation

Santanu Das is the founder and CEO of TranSwitch Corporation in Shelton, Conn., which started operation in 1989. Prior to TranSwitch, he held various positions, including president of Spectrum Digital Corporation, a telecommunications equipment company, where he worked from 1986 through August of 1988. Before joining Spectrum, he held various executive positions, including director, Applied Technology Division of ITT Corporation's Advanced Technology Center in Shelton, Conn.
Mr. Satish Mandhana
Partner, IDFC
Satish has over 25 years of private equity and corporate finance / business strategy experience. At IDFC PE he is involved with firm’s investments in infrastructure space. He was earlier a Director of CDC Advisors (now Actis – an emerging markets PE Fund) where he was involved in many important investments and exits such as privatization of Punjab Tractor and initial capitalization of IDFC.

Ms. Susan Zielinski
Managing Director, Sustainable Mobility and Accessibility Research and Transformation (SMART), University of Michigan
Susan Zielinski recently joined CARSS at University of Michigan as Managing Director of the SMART project. Susan brings twenty years of experience catalyzing innovative, collaborative partnerships for sustainable transportation and healthy cities. Prior to 2004, Susan co-founded and directed Moving the Economy, a Canada-wide "link tank" that works to catalyse and support multi-sectoral New Mobility (sustainable transportation) industry development.

- Aman Randhawa

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Indo-US Entrepreneurship Panel

Prof Scot Meadow, the Clinical Professor of Entrepreneurship will be moderating the Indo-US entrepreneurship panel at ILS. Prof Scott Meadow has been awarded the 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005 Phoenix Prize, and was designated by Business Week's "Guide to the Best Business Schools" as one of the ten outstanding entrepreneurial professors in the United States.
The speakers on this panel are:
Mr. Abhi Shah-CEO, Clutch Group
Dr. Adarsh Arora- CEO of Athena Security ,CEO and Co-Founder of Lisle Technology Partners
Mr. Manoj Jain, Chairman and founder of Pipal Research
Dr. Chirinjeev Kathuria, Founder and Chairmen of Planetspace

The complete bios of the speakers can be found at

Here is what Shriya Lall has to say about organizing the Indo-US entrepreneurship panel.

Why did you plan this panel?
I feel that there are many entrepreneurs at Chicago Booth and they would like to hear from seasoned entrepreneurs about their experiences, challenges and resources that they used.

What would the panel discussion revolve around?
The focus of the panel is two fold:
1) To talk about the challenges Indians face in setting up business in America
2) To talk about the changing face of Indo-American business and discuss where this is heading

How did you go about choosing the panellists?
I wanted a good mix of entrepreneurs from different industries. Additionally I wanted to work with entrepreneurs that had a specific India focus and could talk about the issues mentioned above. They all are high achievers and will be able to give great advice to any entrepreneurs interested in setting up his/her business in America.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Introducing the Winner of “Booth India Leader – 2009”

The India Leadership Summit committee is excited to introduce the winner of the first annual alumni award, which recognizes Booth alums in India who create an impact in business through extraordinary contribution and leadership. We are proud to present this year’s “Booth India Leader – 2009” award to Mr. Nagesh Basavanhalli.

Mr. Basavanhalli is currently the Vice President of Global Engineering, responsible for developing and executing Chrysler’s technical operations strategy for Asia Pacific and Eastern Europe, building global technical centers and teams across China, India and East Europe, while generating significant bottom-line savings. He has had a 16 year career with Daimler Chrysler /Chrysler in Auburn Hills MI and other Asian Automakers in India and China. He also serves on the Board of Directors for Chrysler in India.

Mr. Basavanhalli received his MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He also has a BS in Mechanical Engineering and an MS from the University of Texas.