Monday, May 11, 2009

The Indo-US Entrepreneurship Panel

Prof Scot Meadow, the Clinical Professor of Entrepreneurship will be moderating the Indo-US entrepreneurship panel at ILS. Prof Scott Meadow has been awarded the 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005 Phoenix Prize, and was designated by Business Week's "Guide to the Best Business Schools" as one of the ten outstanding entrepreneurial professors in the United States.
The speakers on this panel are:
Mr. Abhi Shah-CEO, Clutch Group
Dr. Adarsh Arora- CEO of Athena Security ,CEO and Co-Founder of Lisle Technology Partners
Mr. Manoj Jain, Chairman and founder of Pipal Research
Dr. Chirinjeev Kathuria, Founder and Chairmen of Planetspace

The complete bios of the speakers can be found at

Here is what Shriya Lall has to say about organizing the Indo-US entrepreneurship panel.

Why did you plan this panel?
I feel that there are many entrepreneurs at Chicago Booth and they would like to hear from seasoned entrepreneurs about their experiences, challenges and resources that they used.

What would the panel discussion revolve around?
The focus of the panel is two fold:
1) To talk about the challenges Indians face in setting up business in America
2) To talk about the changing face of Indo-American business and discuss where this is heading

How did you go about choosing the panellists?
I wanted a good mix of entrepreneurs from different industries. Additionally I wanted to work with entrepreneurs that had a specific India focus and could talk about the issues mentioned above. They all are high achievers and will be able to give great advice to any entrepreneurs interested in setting up his/her business in America.