Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Dr. Shami Khorana, President, HCL North America, Mr. Prithvi Gandhi, VP Corporate Development, Zebra technologies and Mr.Rajeev Bahri, Founder & Managing Director, TEKchand LLC are the speakers on the technology panel discussion on May 16th, 2009. This panel will be moderated by Mr. Sanjay Puri, Head, Alliance for US India Business.

Aditya Gupta on organizing this panel:

Why was the technology panel planned?

Technology continues to remain a leading revenue generator for India and hence this panel was very relevant for our theme “Fuelling the growth”.

What would the discussion revolve around?

The discussion would center around the future of the technology space in india. We will talk about software, hardware, services and will touch upon telecom as well. We will debate what it is that india needs to do in order to take that quantum leap from being an outsourcing hub for cheap labour to a leader in product creation and idea generation.

How did you go about choosing the panellists?

The panellists were chosen based on their experience in running india focused technology firms as also their cross country expertise. We believe that the panel will give us a great insight into the challenges and opportunities that exist in India – US partnerships