Thursday, May 14, 2009


Pooja Rajput writes about the panel on Education being hosted at the India Leadership Summit 2009:

Background on the panel:

“Over-regulated and under-governed” best describes the largest sector in India – Education. In a failed public education system, aspirations are meeting affluence, spiraling the growth of private education institutions. The potential spending on private education is to exceed $80 billion by 2012!! This is a massive business opportunity that companies like Educomp and NIIT have exploited to become pre-eminent for profit education companies demanding a double bottom line, i.e. high ROIs as a business while achieving a social cause – which makes for a dynamic panel.

Background on the panellists:

Educomp is the largest for profit education company in India, with revenues in excess of 1 billion. Shantanu Prakash, the CEO of Educomp, has taken the company through this incredible journey and is here to share his experiences as well as provide insight on what lies ahead. On the other hand, Pratham has accomplished significant initiatives in the field of non-profit K-12 and vocational education, thereby increasing their employability.

On organizing the panel:

Vidur Gupta, a first year at Chicago Booth and Prateek Aneja, a second year at Kellogg helped me put this panel together.